Friday, January 21, 2005

TOW ... all the happi-NESS !

in my rather somnolent last-2-last article , i tried to put life under the microscope . later , on a cursory perusal of my own article , i wondered if i shud put myself under the microsocope !!

but i gez one does get philosophical wen , he has nothin better to do .
so i was sayin .... if organic evolution is true, then there is no purpose in life. Life is an accident, and people search in vain for any meaning to it. Ergo , there is no higher goal than to make life enjoyable ... or as Aristotle put it ," Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. "

Now , coming straight to the question ( because , "a taciturn expert at circumlocation i am , a scatterbrain and chatterbox i'm not" , Linda Goodman's words , not mine )

Q. wat is happiness ?

well i tgt and i tgt and i tgt ....then i had food , conducted a small scale survey and ofcourse watched porn ... and then again i tgt and i tgt and i tgt .... and this is how i'll conclude my research :


happiness can be classified as :

# BIG Happy (H) :

> survial (maintaining the "extant" state)
> absence of major tragedy (not studying engg in TN)
> health (a fully-functional normal body )
> material comforts (broadband,set-top-box,faster car,512DDR,i6600,cdman)
> sense of achievement
> friends(somebody to put ur hand around , and say "dude...Life sucks!!")
> security for the morrow(knowing tat u wont be unemployed tomoro)

# small hAPPY (h):

> random unscheduled fun with friends
> watching Seinfeld re-runs ,Friends rereruns and Simpsons rerereruns
> watching some riotous ridiculous bollywood movie during exams
> reading PG Wodehouse
> listening to music (whether its lois armstrong's 'wonderful world'
or bizkit's 'Hot-Dog' , or doing a la SRK with 'Yunhi chala' playin in the
> eating middle-eastern food on(or off?!) the street
> staring at the azure sky for no reason
> swaying in congruence to eucalyptus trees , and feeling the balmy wind on
ur skin and hair .
> feeling the aroma of hot cappachino ... making its way to the brain thru
the nostrils .
> waking up in the morning to realise tat ,it's a Sunday and u can snooze on
> staying home-alone for a day,with ur mom attending some distant cousin's wedding, and experiencing the freedom to throw ur underwear on
the couch,wet towel on the bed,singing aloud ,and playing "I am the
dragon" with the pillow !!

> "H" forms the base for happiness. this is what we plan and work for . it has a relatively long life . but it is generally taken for granted untill it is suddenly taken away from us (like MTV and StarWorld ,or a friend who stops talking ,or a phone that just disappears from the desk) .
> "h" forms the topping on the base . it is generally not planned for . it is highly ephemeral and can be experienced only in sporadic bursts wen u realise that u are happy .


> there is no such thing as "perpetual happiness".
> p.h. is jus a chimera ... like heaven ...I've always wondered wat all those clean souls do up in heaven ... if all they do is, just sit mirthfully till the end of time ... wont they get bored ?!
> the search for happiness is wat keeps humans on the move .


this formula may not cover all possibilities , but it comes close to defining happiness :

H = (Desires Met) / Desires

> Zero desires ,equals infinite happiness , but then it also means not being human .
> H is a relative term . the greater the value the happier u are , in contrast to other blighters struggling in vain to take the value of H to unity .


Each second ,Man tries to strike something off the 'desires met ' list . But parallely ,more things are added to the 'Desires' list .
there are always fatser cars ,greater RAMs, newer phone-models, better colleges . . . or as the adage goes,"the grass is always greener on the other side "
Man will never be content. And he shudnt .Thats the nature of evolution , the day man becomes content , the world will come to a stand still .

So , Happiness lies in experiencing the leap from one pasture to another .

So much of crap ,and the point yet not made .
the point tat was to be made :-
" There is no such thing as happi-NESS , life is all about experiencing the never ending race of achieving more , with the right attitude"


If u got this far , i'm sure u want to join my suicide cult .
for more info , contact...Fuddha


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