Monday, January 10, 2005

TOW .... Wat is LIFE ?

DISCLAIMER : the following work is the product of a tortured being , who under ultra boring milieu and state of blankness , had to put LIFE under the microscope . forgive him if it lessens ur desire to live .

Wat is LIFE ?
The result of a freaky co-incidental combination of diparate molecular compostions , catalysed by accidental phemomena occuring on a planet that just happened to be at the right distance from a mid-aged star !!
The answer is definitely not that easy , but with the current scope of science , lets assume that is wat life is . A rather phlegmy definition of something that is simply beautiful for its complexity!!


What is SCIENCE ?
curtly put, " the study of nature " .
an evergrowing rulebook , that started off as a set of premises , but has now grown to an enoromous network so well knit that we can 'almost' confidently say that the assumptions are true . Ergo, anything can be explained by science ..... well ,Almost anything .


One thing that science(or for that matter any enterprise seeking the truth) has yet to find is ...'the GOAL of life'

Every phenomenon has some goal , some reason . All organisms are very objective oriented beings . We always do ,the things we do, for a reason ( saving blogging ... nobody including me has an iota of idea , where this blogpost is getting to ? )
Coming back , what is the aim of life >
Life (as a verb) is just the period of time between Birth and Death . In this period we have subgoals .... viz. getting a girl-friend, losing flab, adding more RAM to the system, convincing oneslf to jog in morning , getting FDFS tickets for the latest hit flick ...etc etc etc . We are all , as any A.I. student would put it , ideal-utility-based-rational agents , working to increase our happiness function .

But what is the ultimate goal ? wat do we do once we achieve these sub goals ? Sure, that will never happen , cuz , human's 'desire list' is un-ending .But even academically ?
And , wat is this obsessive need humans have to be HAPPY ?

Doesn't look like we are getting any answers .... in the near future . Unless FuDDHA decides to sit under the Bodhi tree , which he is not planning to do untill he has sex.(so the female readers know how to contribute , to the search of truth)

Hmmm ... After this circular trip around the universe we have gotten nowhere .
Now if we stop analysing Life at such fine levels of granuality , and find a lazzier , convenient and convincing answer , we come to the verdict that :


Ergo , the pseudo aim of every living being is to maximize its happiness at each instant of survival .

Now the REAL question is wat is HAPPINESS ?


In the next blog we'll try in futility to find the ans the above Q and some more related Qs viz . :
> Has Fuddha (a.k.a. scoffes) lost it ... under strenuous levels of boredom ?
> Is Fuddha trying to prove that an ideal mind is the cradle of EVIL ?
> will Fuddha be able to find out the meaning of happiness ?
> is Fuddha trying to form a suicide-cult ?

... coming soon -> " TOW...all the Happiness " !!


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